Established in 1995, the Laboratory of Wildlife Biology and Medicine was the first national or public university lab in Japan to specialize in wild animals. The laboratory's ultimate goal is biodiversity conservation. Toward this goal, we aim to be a center of education and research that contributes to the conservation and management of wild animals. Currently, the lab's main research areas are conservation biology and wildlife medicine. Specifically, the physiology and ecology of large mammals such as bears, deer and marine animals are studied. Another important mission of the lab is to foster specialists on wild animals through education and research.
The laboratory's ultimate goal is biodiversity conservation. Toward this goal, we aim to be a center of education and research that contributes to the conservation and management of wild animals. Currently, the lab's main research areas are conservation biology and wildlife medicine. Specifically, the physiology and ecology of large mammals such as bears, deer and marine animals are studied. Also, it conducted research on the biology of pathogenic microorganism transmitted from wild animals and communications between wild animals.
Journal 2012. Hokkaido University Laboratory of Wildlife Biology and Medicine,Gruaduate School of Veterinary Medicine