Gruaduate School of Veterinary Medicine

The laboratory'sNews

Participation in the 165th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Medicine

The 165th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Medicine was held from
September 6th to 8th, 2022, and Ms. Nakamura, a sixth-year student, and Mr. Shimizu, a
second-year graduate student from the Laboratory of Wildlife Biology and Medicine
presented their research.
Ms. Nakamura gave a presentation titled “An attempt to estimate the age of a brown
bear using the methylation rate of blood DNA”, and Mr. Shimizu gave a presentation
titled “Pathogens of deer lice parasitizing Ezo deer in Hokkaido”.
Below are thier comments.
Mr. Shimizu: I was very nervous because it was my first conference presentation since
entering graduate school, but I was very happy to share my research to big audience. My
presentation content was a bit crazy, but I was relieved that people seemed to be
interested. Thank to everyone who supported this presentation. Thank you very much!
Ms. Nakamura: It was my first academic presentation, but I received a lot of advice from
my professors and co-researchers and was able to complete it without any major problems.
I feel a sense of accomplishment in being able to report the results of my research to the
audience outside of the university. Over the next few months, I'll do my best with the rest of
the experiments and manuscript writing!
Mr. Shimizu and Ms. Nakamura, thank you for your hard work!

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The laboratory's ultimate goal is biodiversity conservation.

Gruaduate School of Veterinary Medicine