坪田 敏男教授
- クマ類における繁殖と栄養状態との関係に関する研究
- アジアにおけるクマ類の管理と保全に関する研究
- 野生動物における生態と感染症の関係に関する研究
I studied forestry for my undergraduate degree and biodiversity and environmental management for my masters. Before coming to Hokkaido, I worked for 4 years mostly in biodiversity assessments, project reporting and proposal development. My previous research has involved population estimation of Swamp partridge, camera trapping of Snow leopards and Tigers, and regeneration studies of Rhododendrons. I want my work to contribute to understanding landscapes that support diverse wildlife, ecosystems and people, and promote development in harmony with nature. I like nature photography, travelling, eating and drinking with friends. Reach me at: rajanpoudel093@gmail.com
I am interested in various diseases condition in wild animals, and I will focus mainly in elephant tuberculosis of Nepal. During my PhD study, I am planning to do surveillance study of elephant tuberculosis and develop the protocol to diagnose elephant tuberculosis from fecal sample of elephants as non-invasive methods.
I studied Zoology, specializing ecology and environment from Central department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal for my masters. I have worked 6 and half years in National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP), Nepal on biodiversity research and community base conservation of wildlife before coming to Hokkaido. From NTNC-ACAP, I led the long-term monitoring of forest study plots in the Chitwan - Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) to study how climate change is affecting forest ecosystems. My previous research has involved camera trapping to survey medium to large mammals in high mammalian species, King Cobra conservation and its nest monitoring, Sherman trapping to monitor small rodents, mist net for bats, bird point count, transect surveys, herpeto fauna surveys, butterfly transect surveys, and pitfall sampling for insects. Simultaneously, I also lead the faunal biodiversity assessment team in the Chure Range of Nepal, where we conduct similar surveys of biodiversity. All these research experiences have helped me to develop my skills in field of wildlife. I like travelling, photography and talking with friends. Reach me at: rightbaral@gmail.com
Nice to meet you! My name is Anastasiia Kovba. I am from Ukraine and I received my Bachelor degree in Veterinary Medicine there. I then graduated with the Master of Science degree from Kyoto University, where I studied HIV/AIDS. I am interested in the emerging infectious diseases and zoonosis research, as well as in the wildlife conservation, therefore I joined the Wildlife Biology and Medicine lab in Hokkaido University as a PhD student in April 2022. My hobbies are photography, playing piano, painting, traveling and reading.
I am a Singaporean research student who graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Environmental Science and a minor in Biology. I am interested in animal behavior, specifically large predators, and wildlife conservation. I hope to facilitate human-wildlife interactions by reducing conflict between our species, in order to maintain population levels in the wild.